peachy92: I forgot Beaks!
peachy92: Wishing Beaks was here.
peachy92: Break time
peachy92: Live Music
peachy92: “Take me back to Tulsa!”
peachy92: Gilda doing her Edith Ann impression.
peachy92: They call them ornamental flowers.
peachy92: Zipper!
peachy92: Dukes of Hazzard lunchboxes.
peachy92: Touring Cooter’s.
peachy92: Touring Cooter's
peachy92: Goofing off with my brother
peachy92: Touring Cooter's
peachy92: Gilda enjoying Cooter's Place
peachy92: Lego Daisy Duke
peachy92: The side of Daisy's jeep.
peachy92: Touring Cooter's
peachy92: Gilda with the General Lee
peachy92: Silliness
peachy92: Under the Lebanon Pike Bridge
peachy92: Walking on part of Greenway.
peachy92: Seen on the Greenway
peachy92: Clover Bottom
peachy92: On the old Lebanon Pike bridge
peachy92: Handicap Sign warning of slope
peachy92: Eversong
peachy92: Eversong
peachy92: Eversong
peachy92: On the Greenway
peachy92: Stones River