Peachea: The Ant and the Dandelion
Peachea: Ant Climbing Up the Tree
Peachea: Yellow Mosquito Hanging off Leaf
Peachea: Camouflaging Fly on Bugleweed
Peachea: Camouflaging Spider
Peachea: Spider Resting on Leaf
Peachea: Question Mark Butterfly
Peachea: A Red Admiral looking gorgeous under the sun.
Peachea: House Centipede
Peachea: Common Blue Damselfly
Peachea: Damselflies mating
Peachea: Praying Mantis
Peachea: Bumble Bee
Peachea: A nest of wasps
Peachea: Black-Winged Damselfly (female)
Peachea: Black-Winged Damselfly (male)
Peachea: Red Admiral
Peachea: Snail
Peachea: A Red Admiral drinking nectar.
Peachea: Bumble Bee
Peachea: Lots of ants
Peachea: A group of red Milkweed Beetles (Tetraopes tetrophthalmus) incorporating toxins into their bodies
Peachea: A ~7cm long Leopard Slug / Great Grey Slug (Limax maximus)
Peachea: A Viceroy (Limenitis archippus) pretending to be a poisonous Monarch butterfly
Peachea: Viceroy (Limenitis archippus)
Peachea: Northern Bluet Damselfly in tandem (Enallagma cyathigerum)
Peachea: A Twelve-spotted Skimmer resting on a log.
Peachea: A Widow Skimmer resting on a twig
Peachea: A Milkweed Tussock Moth / Milkweed Tiger Moth caterpillar (Eucaetes Egle) enjoying some Milkweed leaves.
Peachea: A Monarch Butterfly perching with a rolled-up proboscis.