peace1374: Judah
peace1374: My baby
peace1374: Mommy....catch!
peace1374: Judah just loves MY iced tea
peace1374: My favorite inspiration!
peace1374: A day at the park
peace1374: Judah
peace1374: Judah's rose
peace1374: 'For you...Mommy'
peace1374: Judah
peace1374: My blessing
peace1374: Finding Eggs
peace1374: Easter 2007
peace1374: Nea and Judah
peace1374: Future boogie boarder...
peace1374: Future boogie boarder...
peace1374: Anela and Judah having fun
peace1374: Do we look alike?
peace1374: The beach pail and Judah
peace1374: "Hi friend"
peace1374: Intruder on my floor
peace1374: "Come walk with me..."
peace1374: A happy accident
peace1374: Judah and his Papa
peace1374: A day at the beach
peace1374: Bye bye bye.....
peace1374: Peek-a-boo
peace1374: Excitement...
peace1374: Looking forward to a great 2008!
peace1374: My son