Peace Corps: Some of the 2800 bottles used
Peace Corps: Chris Barry (Director of Hug it Forward, NGO who is funding the classroom) and I putting the first bottles in the wall
Peace Corps: putting the first layer of cement on the bottle walls
Peace Corps: Me, putting the first bottles in the wall
Peace Corps: Basillio and other construction workers putting the first bottles in the walls
Peace Corps: Basilio (R) and another construction worker putting the first bottles in the walls
Peace Corps: my counterpart Petrona and I visiting the project site
Peace Corps: putting the first layer of cement on the bottle walls 2
Peace Corps: First finished section of bottle wall
Peace Corps: Me, Stefanie Fabrico, in front of the first finished section of bottle walls
Peace Corps: Some of the accounting students studying at the new highschool (diversificado) helping to put bottles in the walls
Peace Corps: First layer of cement going on the bottle wall
Peace Corps: All the bottles inside the walls
Peace Corps: some women leaders of the womens groups in Todos Santos posing in front of one of the finished bottle walls