Peace Corps: Indalecio Vallejos- Belize shares his life changing experiences because of PCVs
Peace Corps: Basile Komla Koumi- Togo shares his life changing experiences because of PCVs
Peace Corps: Mustapha Fofana-Sierra Leone shares his life changing experiences because of PCVs
Peace Corps: PC Boston Recruiting at JFK Library
Peace Corps: Director Williams with Host Country Nationals who spoke about their life changing expericences because of PCVs
Peace Corps: Entertainment by Tony Vacca's World Rhythms_
Peace Corps: Entertainment by Tony Vacca's World Rhythms
Peace Corps: Director Williams and Dr John Rassias-Dartmouth Prof-helped create PC language Training Programs 1965
Peace Corps: DIrector Williams recognizes Dr John Rasssias 1965 PC language training creator
Peace Corps: Director Williams recognizes staff from PC Boston Office
Peace Corps: Director Williams recognizes Volunteer event plannerJoel Feingold
Peace Corps: Director Williams with Ghana 1 RPCVs
Peace Corps: Juliet Sorensen
Peace Corps: Director Williams
Peace Corps: Ghana 1 RPCVs and new PC Invitees_
Peace Corps: Ghana 1 RPCVs and new PC Invitees
Peace Corps: Caroline Kennedy
Peace Corps: Sorensen-Director-Kennedy-Robert Ferguson PCV
Peace Corps: Sorensen-Director-Kennedy-Chris Fontanesi PCV
Peace Corps: Sorensen-Director-Kennedy-Frances Asturias PC Staff
Peace Corps: Sorensen-Director-Kennedy-Kathryn Davies Clark RPCV
Peace Corps: Sorensen-Director-Kennedy-Mostafa Lamqaddam PC Staf
Peace Corps: Sorensen-Director-Kennedy-Joe Carroll Jaycox RPCV
Peace Corps: Juliet Sorensen-Director-Kennedy-JFK Award Recipients
Peace Corps: Director and Caroline Kennedy with new PC Invitees1
Peace Corps: Director and Caroline Kennedy with Ghana 1 and new PC Invitees