Peace Coffee:
Class Triangulation.
Peace Coffee:
Almost ready to break.
Peace Coffee:
One of these cups is not like the rest.
Peace Coffee:
Taking notes in the 33 Coffee book.
Peace Coffee:
Angelica prepares her cupping cup.
Peace Coffee:
Nikki sniffing her cup after breaking the crust.
Peace Coffee:
Weighing the water while pouring.
Peace Coffee:
Nikki getting set up. Keith overseeing.
Peace Coffee:
Brazil is on the table.
Peace Coffee:
Break time.
Peace Coffee:
Cleaning off the crust.
Peace Coffee:
Keith breaking the crust.
Peace Coffee:
Waiting two minute before the break.
Peace Coffee:
Another resting cup.
Peace Coffee:
Pouring water.
Peace Coffee:
Keith giving the first demostration.
Peace Coffee:
Weigh the coffee before grinding it.
Peace Coffee:
Pointing to the cupping spoon.
Peace Coffee:
Anna describing the taste in her cup!
Peace Coffee:
The perfect coffee notebook.
Peace Coffee:
Guess the fruit leather flavor game!
Peace Coffee:
Cups ready for the triangulation game.