Peace Coffee: Keith & Seth take the aroma Challenge!
Peace Coffee: Watching an espresso pull.
Peace Coffee: Hmmm..cold press.
Peace Coffee: Yeti posters arrived at the show.
Peace Coffee: Prepping the area for the contest.
Peace Coffee: Nick Cho mc'ing the throw down.
Peace Coffee: Stacy, Joe & Keith drinking Surly.
Peace Coffee: Rossetta & ?
Peace Coffee: Hearts usually win.
Peace Coffee: Hearts usually win.
Peace Coffee: Pallete rack seating.
Peace Coffee: Latte Art Throw Down at Bull Run.
Peace Coffee: No ice to drive this on.
Peace Coffee: Working with Soy.
Peace Coffee: Hanging out on the first day.
Peace Coffee: Talking espresso.
Peace Coffee: Sweet paddle espresso machine.
Peace Coffee: Keith & Adam at the booth.