Kirkby P: Don't know about you but I'm thinking of locusts
Kirkby P: Were you really in Swiss Family Robinson
Kirkby P: Hi wheres the party - can I come
Kirkby P: This is my rock
Kirkby P: Are you sure it's ours?
Kirkby P: Be proud of being a camel. Dave over there can't go a month without water!
Kirkby P: One wife just isn't enough
Kirkby P: I've the strangest feeling I'm being followed
Kirkby P: I'm a physicist you know
Kirkby P: Don't knock mud till you've tried it
Kirkby P: If I stare like this people think I'm wise - init
Kirkby P: People keep ignoring me
Kirkby P: I'm hungry
Kirkby P: Is this do I look?