pdz: rental car 4
pdz: rental car 6
pdz: rental car 7
pdz: rental car 8(b)
pdz: rental car 9
pdz: Ancient Bristlecone Pine Forest
pdz: Ancient Bristlecone Pine Forest
pdz: Ancient Bristlecone Pine Forest
pdz: Ancient Bristlecone Pine Forest
pdz: Dirt
pdz: Nicely's, Lee Vining
pdz: Bodie
pdz: Bodie
pdz: Bodie - return to the chevy
pdz: rental car number 14
pdz: Bumpass Hell
pdz: Reds-Padres
pdz: Reds-Padres
pdz: Reds-Padres
pdz: Reds-Padres pano
pdz: Rental car 15
pdz: Rental car 16
pdz: Rental car 17
pdz: Rental car 18