tasiapix: fallen limb
tasiapix: crrrrrrack, went the limb
tasiapix: fallen limb
tasiapix: not small!
tasiapix: bark peels right off
tasiapix: fallen limb
tasiapix: fallen limb
tasiapix: Nick hugs his favorite tree goodbye
tasiapix: looking up
tasiapix: treecutter
tasiapix: tree crew
tasiapix: treecutter
tasiapix: treecutter
tasiapix: treecutter
tasiapix: treecutter
tasiapix: just hanging out
tasiapix: bzzzzzzz...
tasiapix: down it goes
tasiapix: the boys help with the cleanup
tasiapix: now it's half a tree
tasiapix: cut limbs
tasiapix: peely log
tasiapix: sawn and broken
tasiapix: cedar needles
tasiapix: cedar bark
tasiapix: peely log
tasiapix: cedar bark
tasiapix: sappy branch stump
tasiapix: peeling bark