tasiapix: teammate bouting
tasiapix: Nick
tasiapix: ready to warm up
tasiapix: warmup with a teammate
tasiapix: Nick and teammate preparing to warm up
tasiapix: resetting the scoreboard for a warmup bout
tasiapix: Dad hooks him up for some warmups
tasiapix: Dad hooks him up for some warmups
tasiapix: big, busy place
tasiapix: help hooking up
tasiapix: Nick on the left
tasiapix: Nick on the left
tasiapix: watching bouts
tasiapix: teammate
tasiapix: teammate bouting
tasiapix: teammate bouting
tasiapix: hooking up
tasiapix: help hooking up from a ref
tasiapix: Nick on the left
tasiapix: NAC sign
tasiapix: NAC sign
tasiapix: Empty check-in area during session
tasiapix: Nick and teammate
tasiapix: watching bouts
tasiapix: The green light means Nick scored a touch
tasiapix: Nick on the right
tasiapix: Nick on the right
tasiapix: broken swords go here
tasiapix: scoreboard
tasiapix: teammate bouting