tasiapix: suiting up for the tournament in a borrowed green lame (lah-MAY—electric jacket)
tasiapix: suited up
tasiapix: Dad wires him up
tasiapix: waiting his turn
tasiapix: kids being patient
tasiapix: we waited quite a while
tasiapix: He's up! Dad connects him to the tether
tasiapix: checking the connections
tasiapix: bout 1
tasiapix: a point scored
tasiapix: torso hit = point for Nick
tasiapix: bout 2
tasiapix: bout 2
tasiapix: a great day so far! Undefeated after 3 bouts!
tasiapix: wired
tasiapix: mask clip
tasiapix: last elimination round—if he wins this bout he goes to the "gold medal final"
tasiapix: shoulder hit = point for Nick
tasiapix: He did it! Wow! Now he needs water.
tasiapix: undefeated going into the final!
tasiapix: final bout against a national champion
tasiapix: he's not letting her intimidate him
tasiapix: charge!
tasiapix: for just a moment, he was ahead!
tasiapix: first and second place fencers
tasiapix: first place!