tasiapix: Dave and Jordan heading to karate
tasiapix: Jessica doing what I was doing!
tasiapix: Kathy nursing her tea on Saturday morning...
tasiapix: Natalie with Logan
tasiapix: Simon napping, surrounded
tasiapix: Jill's amazing shower
tasiapix: Showering here is like visiting a spa!
tasiapix: Brenda, Kathy, Sawyer and Amy
tasiapix: Kathy on the phone with Dan, dictating to Trish where to send the picture her Mac laptop took of the mamas
tasiapix: Babies discover each other
tasiapix: Sawyer discovers what Simon tastes like
tasiapix: Simon and Sawyer
tasiapix: Dalton playing with Sawyer
tasiapix: Simon and Brenda
tasiapix: Jill, Kollin and Kathy
tasiapix: Ali and Sawyer
tasiapix: Dalton holding Sawyer while Amy readies her sling
tasiapix: Emily
tasiapix: Happy Emily!
tasiapix: Amy and Sawyer
tasiapix: Kathy enlisting Kollin's help squashing limes
tasiapix: Kathy making guacamole
tasiapix: Drew at the playroom computer
tasiapix: Emily
tasiapix: Emily
tasiapix: Simon
tasiapix: Jordan and Natalie posing
tasiapix: Jill and Kathy cooking
tasiapix: Kollin and Jessica
tasiapix: Trish, Jill and Amy