tasiapix: Natalie and Michael ponder the icy river pool
tasiapix: Really? More?
tasiapix: brothers exploring
tasiapix: trail ride
tasiapix: happy kids on a great weekend
tasiapix: explorers
tasiapix: checking on their latest snake
tasiapix: swimmer...?
tasiapix: water throwers
tasiapix: venturing in
tasiapix: Michael is looking tired
tasiapix: Nick pretending to launch Michael into the pond
tasiapix: nets as paddles
tasiapix: checking out their catch
tasiapix: scooping up tadpoles
tasiapix: lunchtime!
tasiapix: mmm... bullfrog tadpole...
tasiapix: digging through their haul
tasiapix: Natalie has caught something
tasiapix: brothers play
tasiapix: 3 in a boat
tasiapix: sailing away
tasiapix: lunchtime affection