tasiapix: pony kisses
tasiapix: checking each other out
tasiapix: new friends
tasiapix: Nick and "his" new pony
tasiapix: meet and greet
tasiapix: This stick? You want me to throw this stick?
tasiapix: They kept him busy for well over an hour...
tasiapix: Really? More?
tasiapix: This visitor was much friendlier.
tasiapix: brothers exploring
tasiapix: having a good enough day to smile for the camera
tasiapix: headache cure: feet in the river
tasiapix: trail ride
tasiapix: happy kids on a great weekend
tasiapix: serving
tasiapix: good aim!
tasiapix: going for it
tasiapix: tennis boy
tasiapix: between games
tasiapix: running for the shot
tasiapix: grabbed his racket and ran
tasiapix: some sort of drill he was clearly enjoying
tasiapix: forehand
tasiapix: backhand
tasiapix: follow-through
tasiapix: he and his partner just won!
tasiapix: there it is
tasiapix: ready
tasiapix: discovering
tasiapix: river walker