Paul D McCarthy: It's Just Around the Bend
Paul D McCarthy: Food Vendors
Paul D McCarthy: Back in Time
Paul D McCarthy: Meet Louie
Paul D McCarthy: Going Places
Paul D McCarthy: I'll Meet You at the Round Corner Cantina
Paul D McCarthy: Observation Deck
Paul D McCarthy: A Sunset Gathering of Strangers & Friends
Paul D McCarthy: All Tucked In Under a Blanket of Fog
Paul D McCarthy: The First One Said to the Second One There
Paul D McCarthy: Rainy Beginnings
Paul D McCarthy: Strangers on the Bridge
Paul D McCarthy: Entering the Snow Squall
Paul D McCarthy: Bleakness
Paul D McCarthy: Seagull Takeoff
Paul D McCarthy: Rainy Commute
Paul D McCarthy: Timeless
Paul D McCarthy: Over the Bridge & Through the Woods
Paul D McCarthy: At the End of the Pier
Paul D McCarthy: O R D E R
Paul D McCarthy: Quiet & Unassuming
Paul D McCarthy: Dinosaur Sighting- Pittsburgh
Paul D McCarthy: EGG SHOTS
Paul D McCarthy: Closed for the Night
Paul D McCarthy: They Used to Play Baseball Here-Forbes Field
Paul D McCarthy: Fog & Mist
Paul D McCarthy: Wet Cobblestones & Bricks
Paul D McCarthy: Night Rider