papadont: Spring will be here soon. - pink -
papadont: Spring will be here soon. - yellow -
papadont: She's beautiful because she lives her life to the fullest.
papadont: Sometimes a smile can unlock a world of possibility.
papadont: ナンヨウザクラ
papadont: Hydrangea
papadont: Hydrangea
papadont: The only forecast that counts is the one that says there'll be sun.
papadont: Osteospermum
papadont: No one ever regrets saying "I love you." too many times.
papadont: Gazania
papadont: You're not getting older. You're getting better.
papadont: There are the days to remember because they don't last forever.
papadont: Rose (bud)
papadont: Appreciate the time you are alone. That's the time you have to reflect on yourself.
papadont: 桔梗蘭 - Dianella ensifolia
papadont: Brachycome
papadont: Tulips
papadont: Leadwort