MissyPenny: September edge
MissyPenny: Autumn wild
MissyPenny: Hello Willow
MissyPenny: Milkweed
MissyPenny: open pod
MissyPenny: On the edge of the meadow
MissyPenny: colorful critter
MissyPenny: Stinging nettle
MissyPenny: so sweet
MissyPenny: in the woods
MissyPenny: a pop of color
MissyPenny: just hanging around
MissyPenny: Autumn floral
MissyPenny: Another color for October
MissyPenny: little wild asters-delightful woodland discoveries
MissyPenny: discovered column
MissyPenny: Pretty please, trick or treat
MissyPenny: Fallen beauty
MissyPenny: Late October color
MissyPenny: Red Maple against a blue sky
MissyPenny: Goldenrod...maybe
MissyPenny: common cattail
MissyPenny: Here in a Milkweed neighborhood
MissyPenny: Sparkle and blow
MissyPenny: willow and Autumn "friends"
MissyPenny: color begins...finally
MissyPenny: Autumn box
MissyPenny: Intense sugarmaple color
MissyPenny: Peekaboo Autumn, I see you