PDKImages: The Stag and Harem monochrome
PDKImages: The Stag and Harem
PDKImages: The Stag barking the orders
PDKImages: The Stag
PDKImages: Two Stags together
PDKImages: Female Stonechat and Barbed Wire portrait
PDKImages: Female Stonechat and Barbed Wire
PDKImages: Female Stonechat on a wire
PDKImages: Boys will be boys - the rut
PDKImages: Hiding the Hall and the Cage 2 monochrome
PDKImages: Hiding the Hall and the Cage 2
PDKImages: Hiding the Hall and the Cage monochrome
PDKImages: Hiding the Hall and the Cage
PDKImages: looking up to the Cage
PDKImages: Lyme Park panoramic to the Cage smaller monochrome
PDKImages: Lyme Park panoramic to the Cage smaller
PDKImages: Skeleton Tree
PDKImages: walking to the Cage