PDKImages: two ladies back to bank
PDKImages: two ladies back to bank bw
PDKImages: stuck in the middle bw
PDKImages: straight up Lancaster house
PDKImages: straight up Lancaster house bw
PDKImages: only one way for the banks bw
PDKImages: how the mighty fall bw
PDKImages: What once was on Oldham Street
PDKImages: a jumble of crossings
PDKImages: a tower and a bridge bw
PDKImages: a tower and a bridge
PDKImages: arcs of the bridge
PDKImages: Art Deco Manchester towers bw
PDKImages: Art Deco Manchester towers
PDKImages: Bends of power
PDKImages: curves arcs and lines down deansgate 2
PDKImages: entrance and bend
PDKImages: follow the arches bw
PDKImages: Follow the curves
PDKImages: Follow the curves2
PDKImages: Gothic gaps
PDKImages: Grosvenor picture palace
PDKImages: HSBC to the side
PDKImages: Manchester Art Deco
PDKImages: Palace tower glows bw
PDKImages: The other side of HSBC
PDKImages: towers down peter street
PDKImages: Twin towers bw
PDKImages: Twin towers
PDKImages: the palace tower