be kind to earth: 803-1225-1233 4xmacro slice of a carrot
be kind to earth: 803-1073-1182 4xmacro shattered peppercorn
be kind to earth: 803-0828-0916 small and smaller lentils - yummy monday
be kind to earth: 803-0206-0226
be kind to earth: 803-2000-2016 penny head
be kind to earth: 803-2664-2769 pink tenderness
be kind to earth: 803-3074-3214 - knolling
be kind to earth: 803-6928-7082 "backlit" for macro mondays - HMM!
be kind to earth: 803-9442-9699 white pepper with a red pepper corn
be kind to earth: 804-0891-0915 feather
be kind to earth: 804-1765-1799 stars "in a row"