pvick: Lamium 'Hermann's Pride'
pvick: Lilac 'Sensation' (Syringa vulgaris 'Sensation')
pvick: Clematis 'Niobe'
pvick: Weigela 'Wine and Roses'
pvick: Clematis 'The President'
pvick: Japnese Fern 'Burgundy Lace'
pvick: Dianthus
pvick: Penstemon 'Husker's Red'
pvick: Raspberries
pvick: Pot of Yarrow
pvick: centaurea montana 'Gold Bullion'
pvick: Lamium 'Hermann's Pride'
pvick: Columbine
pvick: Mock Orange
pvick: Clematis 'Mme. Julia Correvon'
pvick: Clematis 'Mme. Julia Correvon'
pvick: Achillea
pvick: A small jungle of volunteers
pvick: Petunia 'Laura Bush' - closer
pvick: Petunia 'Laura Bush'
pvick: Peas!
pvick: Penstemon 'Husker's Red'
pvick: Penstemon 'Husker's Red'
pvick: Yucca
pvick: Yucca Flower stalk (?)
pvick: Clematis 'Jackmanii'
pvick: Clematis 'Mme. Julia Correvon'
pvick: Petunia 'Shockwave Purple'
pvick: Tomatoes
pvick: Red Noodle Beans