ae5j: Mission
ae5j: Mission
ae5j: Ramp
ae5j: 88mm penetration - didn't explode
ae5j: Home sweet home.
ae5j: Safely down near Nagybanya
ae5j: Formation flight
ae5j: The crew puppy
ae5j: Big Friends coming home
ae5j: Flak!
ae5j: Contrails over the Third Reich
ae5j: "Little Friends"
ae5j: Tail gunner
ae5j: Spoiling the crew puppy
ae5j: Almost home
ae5j: The crew puppy
ae5j: Ready for liberty
ae5j: Officers
ae5j: Big hole
ae5j: "532" Down for good
ae5j: Onlookers
ae5j: Russian soldiers and American aircrew
ae5j: Nothing like the joy of survival
ae5j: Smiles all around...well almost
ae5j: DFC, Air Medal, Mission ribbons
ae5j: DFC, Air Medal, Mission ribbons
ae5j: Distinguished Flying Cross
ae5j: "Nan and Bop"
ae5j: B17-G
ae5j: Texas Raiders - B17-G