PChamaeleoMH: Eider drake
PChamaeleoMH: Chestnut teal
PChamaeleoMH: Falcated duck
PChamaeleoMH: Baikal teal
PChamaeleoMH: Baikal teal
PChamaeleoMH: Maned duck (AKA Australian wood duck)
PChamaeleoMH: Maned duck (AKA Australian wood duck)
PChamaeleoMH: Maned duck (AKA Australian wood duck)
PChamaeleoMH: Chiloe wigeon
PChamaeleoMH: Falcated duck
PChamaeleoMH: Hand-feeding nēnēs
PChamaeleoMH: Hand-feeding nēnēs
PChamaeleoMH: Begging nēnēs
PChamaeleoMH: Philippine duck amongst mallards
PChamaeleoMH: Nēnēs being obedient?!
PChamaeleoMH: Nēnē calling
PChamaeleoMH: Sneaky nēnē
PChamaeleoMH: Hooded merganser (f)
PChamaeleoMH: Hooded merganser (f)
PChamaeleoMH: Hooded merganser (m)
PChamaeleoMH: Red-breasted goose and swan goose
PChamaeleoMH: Wood duck drake
PChamaeleoMH: Wood duck drake
PChamaeleoMH: Orinoco goose entering the water (1/4)
PChamaeleoMH: Orinoco goose entering the water (2/4)
PChamaeleoMH: Orinoco goose entering the water (3/4)
PChamaeleoMH: Orinoco goose entering the water (4/4)
PChamaeleoMH: Black-backed Radjah shelducks in a row
PChamaeleoMH: Laysan duck
PChamaeleoMH: Lake duck