PChamaeleoMH: Putter putter
PChamaeleoMH: Racing past
PChamaeleoMH: Swooshing past
PChamaeleoMH: High speed
PChamaeleoMH: Hands free
PChamaeleoMH: Sit up and beg; the lamp needs to look up a bit...
PChamaeleoMH: Bubble tea!
PChamaeleoMH: Into the sun
PChamaeleoMH: Practising a speech
PChamaeleoMH: Purposeful
PChamaeleoMH: Fast cornering
PChamaeleoMH: Busy city centre
PChamaeleoMH: Bustling
PChamaeleoMH: Going this way and that
PChamaeleoMH: Near miss
PChamaeleoMH: Zygomorphic mystery flower...
PChamaeleoMH: Fly on Mexican poppy
PChamaeleoMH: Osteospermum
PChamaeleoMH: Osteospermum
PChamaeleoMH: Busy bee
PChamaeleoMH: Dangling bee
PChamaeleoMH: Salvia
PChamaeleoMH: Spotlit halictid bee
PChamaeleoMH: Spotlit hoverfly
PChamaeleoMH: Hoverfly in flight
PChamaeleoMH: Comma on New England aster
PChamaeleoMH: Red admiral on New England aster
PChamaeleoMH: Red admiral