PChamaeleoMH: Mr. emerges!
PChamaeleoMH: My mother has him very tame...
PChamaeleoMH: "Oats pls"
PChamaeleoMH: Goosles like oats...
PChamaeleoMH: "More oats pls"
PChamaeleoMH: Black-headed gulls on the wing
PChamaeleoMH: Between the greylags
PChamaeleoMH: Greylag close up
PChamaeleoMH: Mr. and competitors...
PChamaeleoMH: Mr. drinking
PChamaeleoMH: Mr. admires Mrs. (flapping)
PChamaeleoMH: Mr. admires Mrs. (flapping)
PChamaeleoMH: Mr. admires Mrs. (flapping)
PChamaeleoMH: Mr. preening
PChamaeleoMH: Mr. preening
PChamaeleoMH: He's v. handsome
PChamaeleoMH: Mrs. preening
PChamaeleoMH: Mrs. preening
PChamaeleoMH: Black-headed gull and pigeon on the wing
PChamaeleoMH: Mr. (and Mrs. hiding)
PChamaeleoMH: War Damaged Musical Instruments
PChamaeleoMH: War Damaged Musical Instruments
PChamaeleoMH: War Damaged Musical Instruments
PChamaeleoMH: Light and reflections
PChamaeleoMH: Satisfying ceiling
PChamaeleoMH: After work alley
PChamaeleoMH: Guys and Dolls!
PChamaeleoMH: Art Deco