PChamaeleoMH: Blue tit: singing on a branch!
PChamaeleoMH: Blue tit: resting on a branch
PChamaeleoMH: Blackbird: the garden reflected in his eye
PChamaeleoMH: CCC: blackbird sneaking
PChamaeleoMH: CCC: blackbird
PChamaeleoMH: The wren!
PChamaeleoMH: Dunnock on the city wall
PChamaeleoMH: Blue tit
PChamaeleoMH: Dunnock in the wren's bush...
PChamaeleoMH: The friendly blackbird: he came too close for my lens to focus!
PChamaeleoMH: Handsome blackbird
PChamaeleoMH: Blackbird
PChamaeleoMH: Excellent lighting for reflections in eyes...
PChamaeleoMH: Blackbird against the bright sky
PChamaeleoMH: CCC: blackbird
PChamaeleoMH: CCC: blackbird
PChamaeleoMH: CCC: blackbird
PChamaeleoMH: CCC: blackbird close-up
PChamaeleoMH: CCC: blackbird close-up
PChamaeleoMH: CCC: blue tit
PChamaeleoMH: CCC: long-tailed tit
PChamaeleoMH: Red Kite over CCC!
PChamaeleoMH: CCC: Goldfinch
PChamaeleoMH: The mother had been rather chewed on: her neck was bald, and she was looking rather too pink in places
PChamaeleoMH: Adorable
PChamaeleoMH: Fluffy, and rather grumpy-looking
PChamaeleoMH: They chirruped non-stop
PChamaeleoMH: Choosing what to nibble on...
PChamaeleoMH: (The father's tail in the background)
PChamaeleoMH: "Should I be doing that too?"