PChamaeleoMH: Mallard (m)
PChamaeleoMH: Young moorhen
PChamaeleoMH: Young moorhen
PChamaeleoMH: Mallard (f): drinking
PChamaeleoMH: Swan - aww
PChamaeleoMH: Egyptian goose: dribbling
PChamaeleoMH: Mallards
PChamaeleoMH: Coots: "making cootlings"
PChamaeleoMH: Coot: flapping
PChamaeleoMH: Egyptian goose: this chap is strange...
PChamaeleoMH: Egyptian goose: she's quite pretty though.
PChamaeleoMH: Preening pigeons
PChamaeleoMH: Tufted duck (m)
PChamaeleoMH: Tufted duck (m)
PChamaeleoMH: Tufted duck (m)
PChamaeleoMH: Mallard (f)
PChamaeleoMH: Swan: reflecting on life
PChamaeleoMH: Swan: shaking its head
PChamaeleoMH: Swan: preening
PChamaeleoMH: Black-headed gull: coming in to land
PChamaeleoMH: Black-headed gull: landing.
PChamaeleoMH: Tufted duck (m)
PChamaeleoMH: Swan: death-stare
PChamaeleoMH: Black-headed gull: toe in the water
PChamaeleoMH: Coot: ripples and brush-stroke bokeh
PChamaeleoMH: Swan: begging
PChamaeleoMH: Shoveler: "Can I have food, please?"