PChamaeleoMH: Mrs. on the pontoon.
PChamaeleoMH: Mrs. on the pontoon.
PChamaeleoMH: Mr. strikes a pose.
PChamaeleoMH: The Good, the Bad, and the Goosle.
PChamaeleoMH: Mr. sees red.
PChamaeleoMH: Mr.: "Why are you looking at Mrs.?"
PChamaeleoMH: Mr.: wind-ruffled and fussing.
PChamaeleoMH: Mrs. munching
PChamaeleoMH: Mrs. looking surprised
PChamaeleoMH: Taking in the setting sun.
PChamaeleoMH: Protective
PChamaeleoMH: Mr. doing Pilates, and Mrs. looking suitably impressed.
PChamaeleoMH: Mr. Goosle doing Pilates
PChamaeleoMH: Mallards
PChamaeleoMH: Mallards and brush-stroke bokeh