pcaporali: DSC_8307
pcaporali: DSC_8308
pcaporali: Do I have to take a bath?!
pcaporali: Beach Dog
pcaporali: DSC_4282
pcaporali: Dog day afternoon
pcaporali: DSC_8210
pcaporali: DSC_0997
pcaporali: Best Friends
pcaporali: So... all the white fluffy stuff came from the sky, huh?
pcaporali: Miss Izzy's first snow day Jan 2007
pcaporali: Terrier or water dog?
pcaporali: Winter wonderland
pcaporali: Ozzy tries to boss Izzy around.
pcaporali: 2010-11-27
pcaporali: I got your back
pcaporali: Ozzy & Jory lick attack on their human
pcaporali: A groomed miss Izzy
pcaporali: IMG_0407
pcaporali: Can we play now please?
pcaporali: Inside the tree trunk looking for things to chase.
pcaporali: Running like the wind
pcaporali: Izzy LOVES her bunny & hedgehog!
pcaporali: Playtime with Izzy. I can't say no to this face.
pcaporali: Flying high!
pcaporali: Superdog!
pcaporali: DSC_0834
pcaporali: DSC_0835
pcaporali: So much to explore in the great outdoors
pcaporali: Waterbound Izzy!