pc3f: 1. Lazy Morning
pc3f: 2. Run run run
pc3f: 3. Dreaming of South Beach
pc3f: 4. Jian Jian's favorite
pc3f: 5. Love story theme, unfulfilled
pc3f: 6. Ripe for the pickin'
pc3f: 7. Beaux arts reflected upon
pc3f: 8. When inspiration strikes
pc3f: 9. Staying rooted
pc3f: 10. People, trees, and sun gather for Emmylou
pc3f: 11. Gathering dust
pc3f: 12. Some angles
pc3f: 13. 24 Hours of donuts
pc3f: 14. Porchetta sandwich... nuff said
pc3f: 15. Wired up
pc3f: 16. At least some birds still flew on Saturday
pc3f: 17. Best shelf ever
pc3f: 18. Objects in mirror...
pc3f: 19. Andrey's is better
pc3f: 20. The workshop
pc3f: 21. Glad for flowers
pc3f: 22. Watch the magic
pc3f: 23. Congrats Yvonne and Brian
pc3f: 24. Sign of the season
pc3f: 25. Boogie man!
pc3f: 26. Cracked open
pc3f: 27. Good hair day
pc3f: 28. So many books, so little time
pc3f: 29. Foothills
pc3f: 30. Dusk