pbraun: Factory and chimney
pbraun: Back entrance
pbraun: Same offices, different view
pbraun: Larry's offices
pbraun: Simon and friends
pbraun: Machinery on top
pbraun: A great accomplishment
pbraun: Larry
pbraun: Larry giving the tour
pbraun: Larry Warren
pbraun: Crusher and gears
pbraun: Working
pbraun: Machinery
pbraun: Barrels
pbraun: Centrifuge
pbraun: Machine
pbraun: Old holding tanks
pbraun: Slice of cut cane
pbraun: Preparation
pbraun: The wistle
pbraun: Crushing cane
pbraun: Crusher
pbraun: Cane being prepared
pbraun: Old crusher entrance
pbraun: Old wind mill and factory
pbraun: View
pbraun: Towards the crusher
pbraun: Wall
pbraun: Coming in