pboconnor: Insect posse will be crushed.
pboconnor: I used to believe everything I read. But that's all changed.
pboconnor: I came home and found I could say the word entrepreneur.
pboconnor: The web descends. Look to your greyhounds.
pboconnor: Don't start improvising, for God's sake.
pboconnor: I'm married, 2 kids. Have a peculiar goatish smell.
pboconnor: They say damp records the past. If that's true I've got the biggest library yet.
pboconnor: There's a silent rumble, in the buildings of the night council.
pboconnor: It's approaching 600 pounds gas and flesh. Robes in tatters.
pboconnor: Work and eat spontaneous. Enter the house of weariness.
pboconnor: It's at this point that I realise that Smith is really quite drunk.
pboconnor: He is not a man with 'star qualities' or even stage presence.
pboconnor: The Fall begins and ends with a great sound surging and reverberating inside the skull of Mark Smith.
pboconnor: All estate agents alive yell down nights in hysterical breath.
pboconnor: Nietzsche said 'Embrace your enemies'. You two aren't my enemies so I won't embrace you.
pboconnor: He knew the evil of the phone. The bells stopped on Sunday when he rose.
pboconnor: I don't sing I just shout. All on one note.
pboconnor: People in groups are just twats in my eyes.
pboconnor: The best firms advertise the least.
pboconnor: This hideous replica!
pboconnor: She gripped me like a hawk. Her talons were quite famished.
pboconnor: Always different, always the same ...
pboconnor: I'm Joe Totale. The yet unborn son.
pboconnor: FAUSTUS! Come get yer chips!
pboconnor: We are private detectives back from a musical pilgrimage. We work under the name of the Fall.
pboconnor: We had jazz arrangements in 82, when the rest of those tossers were playing cocktail lounge music.
pboconnor: I was in a drunken dream. The pubs were closed, it was three o'clock.
pboconnor: Carry bags strewn all around the room.
pboconnor: Neighbour downstairs with one eye. Cohabs with a mass of blonde curls.
pboconnor: The Fall weigh 60 stone, are 100 years old and live cheap.