pl1602: phlox
pl1602: pistil stamen tulip cat
pl1602: pansies
pl1602: bee and phlox
pl1602: buttercup
pl1602: black-eyed susans at 10pm
pl1602: moth on flowers by the river
pl1602: two bees in a sunflower
pl1602: lake nipissing shoreline in north bay
pl1602: sunflower
pl1602: butterflly in planter
pl1602: lily at Bannockburn 2
pl1602: lily at Bannockburn
pl1602: tiger lilies et al
pl1602: little white flowers2
pl1602: little white flowers
pl1602: wild iris
pl1602: water lily
pl1602: sunflower behind snow laden branches
pl1602: crocuses
pl1602: jack-in-the-pulpit
pl1602: yellowy orange flowers
pl1602: phlox against a fence
pl1602: front yard tulips
pl1602: lilacs
pl1602: blue sky above
pl1602: annual spring snowdrop photo
pl1602: forget-me-nots in the old grove
pl1602: bug on wild bergamot
pl1602: blue-eyed grass