pl1602: thistle seeding 3
pl1602: thistle seeding 2
pl1602: thistle seeding
pl1602: morning glory July06
pl1602: thistle and butterfly at sundown
pl1602: ditch lily
pl1602: rose through a tree
pl1602: appleblossomMay06
pl1602: snowdrops
pl1602: spring flowers
pl1602: water lily
pl1602: groundhog in Ottawa
pl1602: car in phlox
pl1602: milkweed gone to seed
pl1602: orchid
pl1602: orchid&mirror
pl1602: greenery
pl1602: highbush cranberries Oct06
pl1602: warm december Hullett Marsh - cropped
pl1602: warm december Hullett Marsh
pl1602: rose on a lake
pl1602: gone to seed
pl1602: lily in low light
pl1602: wilting valentine bouquet
pl1602: bee in thistle
pl1602: frozen begonias
pl1602: milkweed in snow
pl1602: geranium
pl1602: snowdrops
pl1602: snowdrop with wasp