pbkunkel: solo canoeist
pbkunkel: cute from this angle
pbkunkel: Luna Swells
pbkunkel: not knowing how this happened
pbkunkel: hammock set-up
pbkunkel: Hammock, Dennis, Laszlo, New Yorker, Luna
pbkunkel: worst portage ever
pbkunkel: ready for a rest
pbkunkel: Luna always gets bit and burnt
pbkunkel: puppy love
pbkunkel: Laszlo actually without a jacket
pbkunkel: loon frame
pbkunkel: danger lurks
pbkunkel: moose camoflage
pbkunkel: bearskull
pbkunkel: nap time
pbkunkel: Nipissing River 2
pbkunkel: Quiet Time
pbkunkel: Nipissing River
pbkunkel: second moose
pbkunkel: horizon, Mink Lake
pbkunkel: self portrait, infrared
pbkunkel: nicely washed canoe
pbkunkel: last site for this trip
pbkunkel: final day on the lake
pbkunkel: welcome home