P. Bhatt: Tibetan Monk Making his way to Public Debating Session
P. Bhatt: Prayer Flags of Tibet
P. Bhatt: Debating Monks
P. Bhatt: Money & Faith
P. Bhatt: Tibetan boy in Nyalam Town
P. Bhatt: Mt. Kailash (གངས་རིན་པོ་ཆེ) at Dawn
P. Bhatt: Mt. Kailash Exposed
P. Bhatt: Masks at a Kathmandu Market
P. Bhatt: At the Doorstep in Kodari
P. Bhatt: Buddist Prayer Wheels Boudhanath Site in Kathmandu
P. Bhatt: Potala Palace
P. Bhatt: Shakyamuni Statues at a Lhasa market
P. Bhatt: Nepalese Man
P. Bhatt: Female Sages at Pashupatinath Temple
P. Bhatt: To School