Paxton Holley:
Star Wars Question and Answer Book about Computers (1983)
Paxton Holley:
Title page to the Star Wars Q&A Book about Computers (1983)
Paxton Holley:
Introduction to the Star Wars Q&A Book about Computers (1983)
Paxton Holley:
What is a computer? (1983)
Paxton Holley:
R2D2 playing computer chess (1983)
Paxton Holley:
Artoo and Threepio playing an arcade machine (1983)
Paxton Holley:
Artoo and Threepio and the first computers (1983)
Paxton Holley:
Threepio and homemade computers (1983)
Paxton Holley:
Supercomputers (1983)
Paxton Holley:
C3PO as a movie director (1983)
Paxton Holley:
C3PO in front of giant black/white futuristic computer (1983)
Paxton Holley:
Computer Information page featuring an Apple II (1983)
Paxton Holley:
Robbie the Robot, C3PO and R2D2 (1983)
Paxton Holley:
Page 12 from the Star Wars Q&A Book about Computers (1983)
Paxton Holley:
C3PO conducting an orchestra (1983)
Paxton Holley:
C3PO and R2D2 talking about a spell checker from 1983
Paxton Holley:
Information about computers in the future (1983)
Paxton Holley:
R2D2 and C3PO - The End (1983)
Paxton Holley:
Artoo and Threepio playing an arcade machine (1983)