Pawel's wildlife photos: Eurasian wigeons
Pawel's wildlife photos: Mute swan voyeurism
Pawel's wildlife photos: Tundra bean goose walking on a meadow
Pawel's wildlife photos: Tundra bean goose taking off
Pawel's wildlife photos: Rimlighted goldeneye
Pawel's wildlife photos: King of the skies
Pawel's wildlife photos: Otter stares at me
Pawel's wildlife photos: Black-headed gull
Pawel's wildlife photos: Black-headed gull posing
Pawel's wildlife photos: Great cormorant braking in mid-air
Pawel's wildlife photos: Long-tailed tit in flight
Pawel's wildlife photos: Long-tailed tit posing
Pawel's wildlife photos: Long-tailed tit staring
Pawel's wildlife photos: Fluffball on a stick II
Pawel's wildlife photos: Goshawk or female sparrowhawk?
Pawel's wildlife photos: Treecreeper creeping up a tree-trunk
Pawel's wildlife photos: Hen harrier II
Pawel's wildlife photos: Hen harrier III
Pawel's wildlife photos: Female hen harrier
Pawel's wildlife photos: Female hen harrier
Pawel's wildlife photos: Female hen harrier
Pawel's wildlife photos: A hunter in that shooting blind would have an easy time...
Pawel's wildlife photos: A king on his throne