pawannee: Pilze im Winter: Flammulina velutipes (Samtfussrübling)
pawannee: Living together peacefully (Split Toning)
pawannee: Intimacy on the forest floor
pawannee: Split Beauty
pawannee: All year companion - Gloeophyllum odoratum
pawannee: Macro Gills
pawannee: Waben-Stielporling (Polyporus alveolaris)
pawannee: Eagerly awaited delicacies
pawannee: Gyromitra esculenta - Frühjahrslorchel
pawannee: Sarcoscypha austriaca
pawannee: Judasohr - Auricularia auricula-judae (April 2013)
pawannee: Crepidotus variabilis (Gemeines Stummelfüsschen)
pawannee: Cyathus striatus (Gestreifter Teuerling)
pawannee: Pycnoporus_cinnabarinus
pawannee: Geastrum fimbriatum
pawannee: unknown winter mushroom
pawannee: Stereum hirsutum?
pawannee: Stereum hirsutum? (2)
pawannee: Jelly Fungus (Yellow brain, Tremella mesenterica)
pawannee: Tinted gill edges
pawannee: The three generation photo...
pawannee: Myxomycetes sp.
pawannee: Bolbitius titubans
pawannee: Hygrocybe coccinea
pawannee: Clavariadelphus pistillaris
pawannee: Color contrasts
pawannee: Cortinarius flexipes
pawannee: Agaricus sp.
pawannee: Co-Existence
pawannee: Hygrocybe cantharellus 1/2 (?)