Pavla K.: let me go down//march 12th inspired
Pavla K.: sin nombre//sin parar
Pavla K.: questions//the breath
Pavla K.: at night//always just that close
Pavla K.: dying to strike out//stars - nelly furtado
Pavla K.: …and at once I knew I was not magnificent/high above the highway aisle/I could see for miles, miles, miles //Bon Iver - Holocene//
Pavla K.: Still I won't let go//Coldplay
Pavla K.: And I'll feel the power//But you won't.//Bonnie Raitt - I can't make you love me.
Pavla K.: Tell me what u want to hear...//One Republic//Secrets
Pavla K.: reflecting
Pavla K.: I do not stop imitating myself...
Pavla K.: not anymore.
Pavla K.: Hell I've done all I can // Alex Clare