pausing to breathe: DSC_3115 (1)
pausing to breathe: Black-crowned Night Heron
pausing to breathe: DSC_3107 (1)
pausing to breathe: DSC_3083 (1)
pausing to breathe: DSC_3099_Trim
pausing to breathe: Black Vulture
pausing to breathe: Common Myna
pausing to breathe: Common Myna
pausing to breathe: Common Myna
pausing to breathe: Common Myna
pausing to breathe: Turkey Vulture
pausing to breathe: Green Heron
pausing to breathe: Green Heron
pausing to breathe: DSC_2918 (1)
pausing to breathe: DSC_2922 (1)
pausing to breathe: Red-shouldered hawk, Big Cypress National Preserve, Florida, USA
pausing to breathe: Tricolored Heorn
pausing to breathe: Tricolored Heron
pausing to breathe: Roseate Spoonbill
pausing to breathe: Roseate Spoonbill
pausing to breathe: Roseate Spoonbill, Snowy Egret, White Ibis & ??
pausing to breathe: DSC_2982 (1)