pausing to breathe:
The Royal Haciendas
pausing to breathe:
Spider Lily
pausing to breathe:
El Castillo
pausing to breathe:
Howler Monkey
pausing to breathe:
Hooded Oriole, Playa del Carmen, Mexico
pausing to breathe:
Blue Morpho
pausing to breathe:
Playa del Carmen, Mexico
pausing to breathe:
Playa del Carmen, Mexico
pausing to breathe:
DSC_9316 (1)
pausing to breathe:
Black Vulture
pausing to breathe:
Rose-throated Becard
pausing to breathe:
Brown Jay
pausing to breathe:
Mexican Amberwing
pausing to breathe:
DSC_9522 (1)cenote
pausing to breathe:
DSC_9499 Water Lily
pausing to breathe:
pausing to breathe:
Royal Haciendas
pausing to breathe:
pausing to breathe:
pausing to breathe:
pausing to breathe:
DSC_9484 (2)
pausing to breathe:
Hooded Oriole
pausing to breathe:
Royal Haciendas courtyard
pausing to breathe:
Royal Haciendas
pausing to breathe:
pausing to breathe:
DSC_9449 (1)
pausing to breathe: