pausing to breathe: White-eyed Vireo
pausing to breathe: White-eyed Vireo
pausing to breathe: Tree Swallow
pausing to breathe: Glossy Ibis
pausing to breathe: Glossy Ibis taking over Atlantic City
pausing to breathe: Greater Yellowlegs
pausing to breathe: Great Yellowlegs
pausing to breathe: Snowy Egret
pausing to breathe: Snowy Egret
pausing to breathe: Black Skimmer
pausing to breathe: Clapper Rail
pausing to breathe: Black Skimmer
pausing to breathe: Clapper Rail: Galloway, N.J. USA
pausing to breathe: Black Skimmer, Gull-billed Tern and Hooded something is my guess. Galloway, NJ, USA
pausing to breathe: snow goose
pausing to breathe: Trying to identify the smaller brown bird on the right side near the gulls: Galloway, NJ USA
pausing to breathe: a bit of everything