pausing to breathe: turtlecommunity
pausing to breathe: treeswallow4
pausing to breathe: Treeswallow3
pausing to breathe: treeswallow2
pausing to breathe: treeswallow1
pausing to breathe: trailguide
pausing to breathe: ring-necked duckfemale
pausing to breathe: ring-necked duck
pausing to breathe: Gadwell, Buffalo, NY USA
pausing to breathe: Golden-crowned Kinglet3
pausing to breathe: Golden-crowned Kinglet
pausing to breathe: Downy Woodpecker
pausing to breathe: canadiangoose3
pausing to breathe: CanadianGoose2
pausing to breathe: CanadianGoose1
pausing to breathe: Brown Creeper
pausing to breathe: Brown Creeper