paulyrichard: Protest Girl - G20 Protest '09
paulyrichard: A Scene With A Policeman - G20 Protest '09
paulyrichard: No One Leaves - G20 Protest '09
paulyrichard: 'Welcome To Pig City' - G20 Protest '09
paulyrichard: Police Are Coming - G20 Protest '09
paulyrichard: High Viewpoints - G20 Protest '09
paulyrichard: Order Relay - G20 Protest '09
paulyrichard: The Clash - G20 Protest '09
paulyrichard: Coffee Break - G20 Protest '09
paulyrichard: Behind The Line - G20 Protest '09
paulyrichard: Ready To Resist - G20 Protest '09
paulyrichard: 'Up For It' - G20 Protest '09
paulyrichard: '...Slave' - G20 Protest '09
paulyrichard: March Under Way - G20 Protest '09
paulyrichard: We, The Congregated - G20 Protest '09