pauly: Chan looking a little confused
pauly: Mark emerging from the house
pauly: The Hammonds' garden
pauly: Pat and Chan eating snacks from a bowl on Paul Hammond's head, for some reason
pauly: Dave drumming along to the music
pauly: Stu on the lawn
pauly: George and Steph
pauly: Pat is delighted with his new phone^H^H^H^H^Hcamera
pauly: Stu looking thoughtful
pauly: Amy
pauly: Chan, Amy and Stu watch with interest
pauly: Chan and Amy enjoy the wine
pauly: Mark
pauly: Dave
pauly: How many beers have you had, Stu?
pauly: Stu seems transfixed by... something
pauly: Stu auditions for his new work-out video
pauly: Frankly, I have no idea
pauly: Chan looking slightly concerned