pauly022: paul
pauly022: 3rd down
pauly022: Penn State is backed up
pauly022: Dennis Quaid at the game
pauly022: Jeff is tired
pauly022: Lauren ponders
pauly022: Penn State fans
pauly022: told you
pauly022: Devlin throws a touchdown
pauly022: Jackie and Devon
pauly022: walking into the Carrier Dome
pauly022: the other guys
pauly022: Setting up tailgate
pauly022: PSU dominates photo hunt
pauly022: Greg is really into it
pauly022: Karaoke
pauly022: Erica
pauly022: Lauren is excited
pauly022: Rob & Jackie
pauly022: Jackie n Lauren
pauly022: Jackie
pauly022: Me and Renn at bar
pauly022: MacMurphy's Friday night
pauly022: Beer Samples
pauly022: 2 hotties
pauly022: Awesome beer pong version of baseball
pauly022: Rob sets the defense
pauly022: Jackie & Rennie tailgating
pauly022: Lauren & me at game