PaulTCowan: Pin (2)
PaulTCowan: Pin (1)
PaulTCowan: Pin (5)
PaulTCowan: Stair
PaulTCowan: Port_fem
PaulTCowan: port2
PaulTCowan: 15_30_10
PaulTCowan: Pin_Heads (1 of 20).jpg
PaulTCowan: Camii Pinhole Large format
PaulTCowan: Portrait_Pinhole
PaulTCowan: Architecture Pinhole-4.jpg
PaulTCowan: Architecture Pinhole.jpg
PaulTCowan: Architecture Pinhole.jpg
PaulTCowan: Pinhole_couple_test
PaulTCowan: Baby_Glasgow
PaulTCowan: 54 Pinhole-3.jpg
PaulTCowan: My latest DIY project. A mahogany 54 pinhole camera super wide 120 degree view. Shots to follow.
PaulTCowan: My latest DIY project. A mahogany 54 pinhole camera super wide 120 degree view. Shots to follow.
PaulTCowan: Scotts_View_Holga Pinhole.jpg
PaulTCowan: Overkill?
PaulTCowan: Light Leak three pinholes stitched
PaulTCowan: Corner_pinhole-Edit.jpg
PaulTCowan: Pinhole_proj
PaulTCowan: Pinhole_proj
PaulTCowan: Pinhole_proj
PaulTCowan: Pinhole_proj (10 of 15)
PaulTCowan: Pinhole_proj (7 of 15)
PaulTCowan: Pinhole_proj (1 of 15)