Dad to the Max: Bee Resilient...
Dad to the Max: ...or Bee Gone
Dad to the Max: Southshore_IMG_2122
Dad to the Max: Where am I? 1
Dad to the Max: Where am I? 2
Dad to the Max: Where am I? 3
Dad to the Max: Where am I? 4
Dad to the Max: Moon tree sunset 1
Dad to the Max: Moon tree sunset 2
Dad to the Max: tree sunset
Dad to the Max: Kingfisher lonely
Dad to the Max: Kingfisher chickened off
Dad to the Max: Southshore_IMG_2136
Dad to the Max: 89ish Birds
Dad to the Max: Ah! There I Am..
Dad to the Max: Old Tree
Dad to the Max: Ooooh! Look at the pretty floweAAAAARG! AAARGH MY GAAAAAHH!!
Dad to the Max: Upside down bee
Dad to the Max: Aphid Seeing Red
Dad to the Max: Fall Down